Tuesday, 29 January 2013

growing, growing, growing ..... so fast!

wow.... growing is the best word to describe what is happening at our house at the moment.... Ace is growing, and so is the mess and laundry! Its amazing how much mess a solids munching, rolling over and scooting backwards 5 month old baby boy can make. 
Ace has a good appetite but is not satisfied until mummy and the floor are wearing as much of his dinner as he has eaten!

Ace is now sitting up quite confidently too.
He is also cutting his top two teeth, while having a growth spurt! this means I am not getting a whole lot of sleep- however when he is done, I am SURE (please God) he will start sleeping through the night.
The other new trick Ace has learned is "giving me the eyebrow" I only have myself to blame for this cheeky trick, as he learned it off me. 

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