Sunday, 21 October 2012

Two Months Old

This little man, is now 2 months old!
It's been the longest, fastest, most terrifying yet exhilarating two months of my life..... and we have survived.... more than surviving, we are doing just fine!

Ace really is a treat, he hardly ever cries, he doesn't do a lot of sleeping, but is so engaging while he's awake, his smiles can make you forget the fact you are mooching by on 5 hours broken sleep.
He is very active, and spends most of his time waving his arms and legs, smiling and cooing. 

Bright colors, patterns and people are his favorite things. He will drop everything to have a chat with anyone who takes time to engage him. 

He is beginning to copy Shawn with the word "Hello". Ace always makes me giggle when he tries to copy daddy... he gets such a look of concentration!

I can't begin to tell you what an amazing daddy Shawn is, he truly is fantastic, Ace is already a daddy's boy! 

Shawn is also an amazing support to me, he has made me feel like we are really doing this "together". 

1 comment:

  1. He's a real little cutie, all our love to you and your beautiful family, from Kim and the family
