Thursday, 11 September 2014

Super Yummy No Bake Choc Peppermint Slice

So I stumbled across a fab no bake choc peppermint slice on the internet and had a go at making it.... Anyhow here are the pics of my attempt :)

FAB! Yummo! I changed the recipe a little by adding an extra packet of sweet biscuits to the mix as my mixture looked a little sticky. You can go to the recipe via this link bakesmileplay 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Another Gnome Home

We have been busy planning more gnome homes and fairy doors. We just finished this one :) 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Ace Update- its been a little while.

Well, life moves on... babies grow so fast ... here is a little dose of Ace Monroe ... 6.5 months old - 10kg, and 71cm long. 

He is going to be musical.... I just know it!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Ace is 6 months old!

Our beautiful little man, is now 6 months old! We are so proud of what a happy engaging fellow he is. He is very active and strong. 

Ace's favourite thing at the moment, is to blow raspberries - at the most in-opportune times!

He has also taken to saying uuh-uhh-uhh to me when I am doing something he doesn't like. (he learned that from us as its what we say when he grabs our glasses.)

He is eating solids - twice a day and is growing, growing, growing!

Ace thinks his daddy is the funniest thing in the world and giggles non stop when he is around (probably because of the funny faces he makes, his tickly whiskers, his insistance on daily raspberries, and that Shawn has been known to put the baby's shorts on his head while changing nappies!)

Friday, 15 February 2013

Dancing to bluegrass - Baby Ace busts a move!

Here is Ace Monroe - shaking his booty to bluegrass music while we were tuned into Lee Elliot's Show on this morning!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

What Ace has been up to lately.....

This week Ace has been doing a lot of hanging around....  

with our dog Mac....

with his "girlfriend" 
Strawberry Shortcake..... 
 with Daddy.... 
 and he has found a new place to stash his dummy....
 Ace has also been enjoying the hot weather ...